Giving you the tools to be better informed for specific procedure

These are the the estimated cost of inpatient and outpatient charges

  • Hospital facilities
    Hospital facilities

    Cost of hospital accommodation, laboratory, imaging, medication, labour ward, operating theatre and others.

  • Medical treatment
    Medical treatment

    Cost of medical treatment such as diagnostic, procedures, implants, medications and supplies.

  • Consultation fees
    Consultation fees

    Cost of your specialists' visits to get health advice or treatment plan for a symptom and condition.

  • Room and amenities
    Room and amenities

    The cost comes with two bedded rooms charges and services that offer great comfort during your hospital stay.

Bill estimate

Understanding the cost of care

Showing 25 estimate(s)
What does percentile mean in the cost?

25th percentile cost means that for this procedure, 25% of our patients paid that amount or less. This percentile calculatation is derived from past data gathered over the years.


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Medical procedure
Coronary Angiogram
Low (RM)
25th percentile
Median (RM)
50th percentile
High (RM)
75th percentile
Average stay
Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA with Angiogram) - 1 stent
Low (RM)
25th percentile
Median (RM)
50th percentile
High (RM)
75th percentile
Average stay

Dental Surgery

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General Surgery

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Obstetrics & Gynaecology

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Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery

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Global health insurance partnership

Through strategic relationships with our healthcare partners, Mahkota Medical Centre is listed as the preferred hospital group for several partnership programs for insurance companies and third-party administrators.

Our trusted insurance partners
and many more

Common questions you may have about cost estimation

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    Kindly note that actual bill size may vary in accordance with the patient’s medical condition and/or due to unforeseen complications that may arise during the procedure. Further, Mahkota Medical Centre reserves the right to revise its prices at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

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